Heal the Waters
May 1st
at 5:01 pm local time
Heal the Waters is a ceremony which recognizes and honors the source of life for ALL.
Host your own private or public ceremony for the water nearest and dearest to your heart.
Let's create a wave of awareness and respect for the waters of our Sacred Earth!

Our waters need to be honored, recognized and respected and thanks to you, they will be!
I'm so happy that you're thinking about participating in a Heal The Waters ceremony!
Heal The Waters started in 2010 with 10 ceremonies in 5 states. In 2011 there were 100 ceremonies in 10 countries.
We are now ready to expand this global event. We need your help to make this happen.
Did you know that the United Nations has a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and that one of them is related to water - "ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all." For more information on this SDG, click here.
Hosting Your Own Ceremony Is Easy
Your ceremony is just that...your ceremony. It can be as simple as doing something privately like giving a blessing to the water in the birdbath in your backyard.
Or, scale it up a bit and invite friends to a local body of water. Talk about how water has blessed your life, give gratitude and bless the waters.
Or, if you're really up for it - host a city-wide ceremony at a local body of water - have music, a whole program, etc.!